紀平凱成 Kyle Kihira

2001年 福岡市生まれ。


2017年、英国“トリニティ・カレッジ・ロンドン”の上級認定試験合格と同時に、”Exhibition Award”(奨励賞)受賞、2018年同大学のDiploma(学士資格)を17歳で取得。

2019年、浜離宮朝日ホールでデビュー・リサイタル、同年「Miracle」でCDデビュー。2020年、2021年、コンピレーション・アルバム「image20」「image21」に参加。2020年、服部真二財団音楽賞受賞。 2021年、初のフル・アルバム「FLYING」をリリース。



その異才ぶりは、日本テレビ「ザ!世界仰天ニュース」「スッキリ」「おもちゃ屋MISIA」「24時間テレビ」、テレビ朝日「羽鳥慎一モーニングショー」、NHK「ネタドリ!」「偉人にチャレンジ」などのTV他、数々のメディアでも紹介され、話題を呼んでいる。東京2020パラリンピック開会式 楽曲演奏。

Gifted pianist & composer. Born April 2, 2001.
Music is Kyle’s language. He expresses his inner world and emotions through improvisation. He composes music in a perfectly natural way, like breathing. With unlimited melodies and rhythms in his head, he fills his five-line staff without touching the piano’s keys. Since his early childhood, Kyle has been able to remember and perfectly play all the music he has ever heard, and immediately recreate even natural, ambient sound with the piano.

Kyle taught himself music theory, and by early elementary school, he had already written a great amount of music. His music has beautiful melodies and is rich in rhythm, filled with special harmonies and originality like no other.
He studies under Kawakami Masahiro (an associate professor at the Tokyo College of Music), who is a globally acknowledged authority on Nikolai Kapustin, who fused jazz and classical and created a new world of music. Kawakami calls Kyle’s talent for composition “genius.”

With his vibrant sensitivity, exceptional technique, and unique interpretation, Kyle gracefully plays his vast, boundaryless repertoire including classical, jazz, rock, and world music.
Kyle is a genius pianist: innocent, emotionally sensitive, has and filled with abundant energy. He creates his one-and-only world, and moreover, touches everybody.

At the age of two, Kyle was diagnosed with autism.

At the age of thirteen, he was selected for a collaborative program between Tokyo University and the Japan Foundation, which nurtures the outstanding abilities of talented people who have overcome obstacles in their lives. After that, despite suffering from autism-related hyper-sensitivity, he has continued to play as a professional pianist, and has won numerous awards for his classical concerts.

At the age of sixteen Kyle earned an Advanced Certificate from Trinity College, London, which is a renowned English music school, with the highest scores. He also was honored with the “Exhibition Award,” which is only given to few musicians in the world.

At the age of seventeen, he obtained a graduate diploma from Trinity College, London.
Kyle’s extraordinary talent was featured across the media: on TV programs, in magazines, and on web-based platforms. Some publishers have novelized his unique professional career. His live performance on TV attracted a lot of attention and led to him trending on social media.

At the age of eighteen, Kyle made his debut with a major label, Eplus Music, and released his first album, “Miracle.” The album includes a variety of his own well-conceived, original pieces, and Nikolai Kapustin’s music, which demands highly refined skill of pianists. While attending high school, Kyle actively performed at jazz clubs and large scale open-air music festivals, and held solo concerts in classical music halls.